Individuals who do not have citizenship or live in the United States may be approached with an employment opportunity in the U.S. These individuals may be able to acquire a visa to allow them to temporarily work in the country. With these visas, individuals are able to reside in the United States and work here as well. However, this type of work visa only gives them a limited time to work in the U.S. Your employer will have to file a petition with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services on your behalf. This can start the process to give you access into the country and the ability to work here as well.
What options do I have?
There are many different types of temporary work visas depending on the kind of employment you are looking to enter into. Each visa may vary for the duration of time that the individual is allowed to stay in the country. The I-1 visa is for foreign media outlets that wish to enter the country to report and cover topics. The L visa is for intracompany transferees for executive, managerial positions or individuals with specialized knowledge. The O visa is for persons with extraordinary ability or achievements in certain fields that can include the arts and sciences. P-1 visas are for athletes and entertainers that need to play in a game or perform. A P-2 visa is for artists and entertainers that perform as part of an exchange program. The P-3 visa is for artists or entertainers that come to the country to teach or educate through a cultural program. A Q-1 visa gives someone the ability to travel as part of an international cultural exchange program. With all these types of options, there may be one that fits your needs.
What is a labor certification?
A labor certification may be needed by the immigrant wishing to enter the United States. With this certification, it attests to the fact that the individual was hired to work and that they are needed. It also shows that U.S. workers were not available to fill the position that was required. Through the certification, it can determine the hiring affects on the U.S. workers’ wages and conditions. The Department of Labor can supply this labor certification to approve the application for a petition is filed for a nonimmigrant worker. However, not all immigrants applying for these kind of visas need to obtain a labor certification to be eligible.
The Law Office of Neal Richardson Datta has over 25 years of experience guiding clients through a variety of immigration legal matters, some of which include deportation defense, petitions, and waivers. If you require the services of an experienced immigration attorney with the skill to effectively represent you, contact our firm today to schedule a consultation.